Day 3: What is the Red Horizon?
As a child I grew up aside shores of beautiful, lushes waves that crash against the grainy sand while the sun sets aside the sandy dunes of Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The sun would change color as the day cycles continues in its evolution. Moments would be flaxen yellow, to more of a matures tinish orange, then, as it descends to the unknown, it leaves a bright, violent red, something I grew found of it till this day.
Red has always been synonymous with violence, aggression, tense, but i found the color to be more synonymous with fear based on my dreams as a young child. From the nightmares I encountered from a plethora of different entities, they mostly contain some for of pigmentation that resembled red. Either from the glowing eyes, distorted body anatomy, or to any other bizarre, other worldly traits that they may have, red was always present. After the dark consumed the sky, the sun would rise once again from its slumbers, ready to be reborn and brought back to a new day cycle. As the ruby red filled the skies of my dreams, the monsters that are still present squirm and scare off back to the recesses of where they came from. My fights with them come to an end as my bones are broken, jaw fractured, bodily fluids pour profusely out of my body. My inner rage and willpower keeps me alive, along with my ever-growing battle strategies to out due my opponent, they simply cant keep up with me...
As I lay on the shores with my broken body aside from the beach shores, I remanence my real life experiences in my dreams while gazing on the red horizon. a strange paradox of realities conflates my perception. But one thing is consistent, my need to fight, survive, and to stay ahead of the horrors that lye ahead of the red horizon....
Luke 10:18
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
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