A violent tide is coming

During my summer, I strived for trying to achieve the impossible, know that I wouldn't make it, but the willingness to achieve a goal that has no end with my maximum effort would wield me great results, in this case it has. Since the start of my summer I had to pick up the role as a Utility Worker at Orlando Health. Between hauling out trash and limbs/organs from deceased patients, I relegated myself as a mortician during the brutal summer heat in my occupation. Lies and corruption fled through the hospital along with multiple confrontations and a willingness to accept defeat at certain points. During my time of hauling out human waste and the dead in the summer heat I am reminded daily of my fall from my previous occupation. The deceit and abuse of power led me to a path where their defeat is in my grips. 

During this time period I have accomplished many short - mid size goals. Between improving my cg knowledge/skills, improving my Judo (reached yellow kyu), improving how I work with others in a hostile environment, improving my health while sabotaging it at the same time to some degree. These milestones that I achieved at such a short time with tons of intensity led me to continue on my journey outside of doing cg as my occupation. I was initially staying out of the spotlight till sept, which would be 6 months, but since the progress has been coming rapidly and figuring what my artistic style has led to, I decided that I'll continue on this route till early next year, so about another 5-6 months. 

My goal is simple to simply continue the route I'm going. Progress is continuing in all sects of my life but it comes at a cost. As I leave Orlando Health and venture back into the valley of death, there is one main objective that I have, to wield power, be dangerous. I'm going after the head of my enemy by going with a continued pursuit on my calling, mastery. 

I wake up sometimes and the sky is blood red...

There lies the red horizon, after the sun is elevated. 



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