
    In my dreams I saw a figure. It was humanoid, wearing a long trench coat with a undertaker hat. Out from his coat was arms of dead children reaching out struggling to set their souls free. The figure appeared burnt, with half his face covered in rows of sharp teeth. The figure only had one eye, beaming bright red. Bones protrude out of its rib cage. When I came close to this figure, I had a feeling that I knew this entity, almost as if we had a history with each other. His name is Joshua.

    Since my inception, I always had a dream of a dark figure with a red eye coming after me. Chasing me through my dreams. At some point I begin to fight back, winning some of my battles. The fight was brutal, bloody and intense. One dream I fought Joshua on top of a roof of a building while raining, breaking each others arms, throwing Taio's and other Judo techniques to him. The figure, despite being badly damaged keeps pursuing me. 

    After one dream, I was able slay Joshua. I had a feeling of overwhelming peace. I woke up in a green pasture, with bright blue skies with the sun beaming down on me. I caught an animal running pass me into the pasture, I followed it. The animal was picked up by an old lady. There was something off tho about this person. She was moving painfully slow. I felt something evil in her presence. I came up to her to get the animal and she looked up to me with here eye missing, her eyes are hollowed out. I saw nothing but pitch black as she gazed over at me and smiled. She then said, "soon" and then I woke up. After that I begin to run into other entities in my dreams too, other adversaries that reoccur in my dreams.  

    I believe Joshua was there from the beginning and will always be there in my dreams. There's a constant struggle to vanquish this spirit out of my life. Before I go to bed, the sun would guide me. As it would fade away, the sky would turn red. Fading off to the other side of this world while the moon would arise into the horizon. That's when I would know it's time to battle again. This is my journey, this is my calling, and this is who I am, an adversary against satan. 

    My goal is to bring them from their world, into ours through the usage and power of CGI. Lets begin, Hajime.


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